Emergency Preparedness The Emergency Preparedness program of Sarpy/Cass Department of Health and Wellness is responsible for identifying all risks that could impact the public health of our communities. In addition, we create, maintain, and practice emergency response plans designed specifically to address the potential disasters. Sarpy/Cass Department of Health and Wellness Emergency Preparedness works closely with many local and federal agencies to help insure the continued well-being of the residents should we face a disaster. Community education is essential to our mission. Through presentations, trainings, and the distribution of information we strive to help every resident, and business, understand our local risks and prepare for them appropriately. Please visit our links below to access more information on specific hazards, creating a plan, and resources to help you become prepared for any emergency. If you are interested in becoming involved in the preparedness of your community/neighborhood we are here to help! Call our Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, Brittney Hensley at 402-339-4334.

Severe Weather
Winter storms/ice
Local emergency warning systems and alerts
Smartphone Apps
Outdoor Sirens
National Weather Service Valley
Weather Radios
Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA)
Advanced Traveler Information System - 511
Nebraska emergency preparedness regulations for childcare and longterm care facilities
As you begin to create your emergency plan, here is a list of important considerations
Make a Plan - Templates and Checklists
Family Communication Plan for Parents
Family Communication Plan for Kids
Customize Your Emergency Plan
Build an Emergency Kit
Basic Disaster Supply Kit
Supply Kit for Your Vehicle
Food and Water in an Emergency
Get Involved - Why It's Important
Volunteer a little or a lot: Sign up Online or Print and Mail
How can you help your community?
Help us help Sarpy/Cass be Resilient
Volunteer Application
The National Preparedness Community
Community Partners in Preparedness
Preparedness for Special Populations
Preparedness for Special Populations
Infants and Young Children
Fun for Kids
Red Cross Emergency Preparedness
Sesame Street "Let's Get Ready" video library and preparedness tool kit
Print “Mickey and Friends Disaster Preparedness Activity Book”
Ready Wrigley App for Kids
Fun for Teens and Adults
Games, information and the Youth Preparedness Council
National Safety Council Nebraska - teen driver education