Environmental Health Mercury Bucket Program - The Health Department collects mercury thermometers for proper disposal. Please bring thermometers to the Department office Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Nuisance - The Health Department can assist residents with nuisance-related issues. However, inspections and enforcement are determined by the local code enforcement departments. POOL COOL - The Health Department partners with the Nebraska Comprehensive Cancer Control Program to provide sun safety education and environmental changes to area swimming pools through the POOL COOL program. Radon Program - The Health Department is offering free short term radon gas testing kits to homeowners who reside in Sarpy or Cass counties. Quantities are limited and are available only while supplies last. Kits can be obtained at the Department's office in Papillion, Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Recycling Education - Free in-class recycling education programs are available to preschools and early elementary school classes in Sarpy and Cass counties. Story time, games, and hands-on activities are tailored to each schools' needs and allowed time. Swimming Pool and Spa Inspections - The Health Department conducts inspections of some public swimming pools and spas in Sarpy and Cass counties. The Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services Swimming Pool Program is responsible for all of the licensing of swimming pools in Sarpy and Cass counties. For private swimming pool questions, contact your local city or county code enforcement department. West Nile Virus Monitoring and Mosquito Abatement - The Health Department conducts West Nile Virus activities from June through October each year. Dead bird collection, mosquito trapping, and mosquito larvae sampling are conducted during that time. Free mosquito repellent and educational materials are available throughout the year.

The following Environmental Health services are conducted by agencies other than the Sarpy/Cass Health Department: Food/Restaurant Licensing and Inspections
Nebraska Department of Agriculture, Food Division
402-471-3422 Drinking Water Sampling
DHHS Public Health Laboratory
402-471-2122 Swimming Pool and Spa Licensing
DHHS Swimming Pool Program
402-471-8360 Lead Testing
Nebraska Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
888-242-1100 Body Art, Nail Technology, and Cosmetology Licensing and Inspections
DHHS Consumer Services Program