Nursing & Outreach
Worksite Lactation Webinar Series
The Sharing and Caring program provides support services during pregnancy and parenting of children birth to age 3. Services include:
Maternal Child Health Services Brochure Policy Template: Supporting Breastfeeding Employees Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division Fact Sheet Nebraska Fair Employment Practice Act (LB 627)
Five Year Sharing and Caring Program Report
Active Aging Program The Active Aging program serves seniors in both Sarpy and Cass Counties. The goal of the Active Aging program is to help seniors remain safe and in their homes for as long as possible. We work with community partners, reaching most program participants through senior centers, churches and independent senior living communities. The Active Aging Program provides seniors with free or low cost basic health screenings, services and education throughout locations in the community and as a home visitation service. The program focuses on chronic disease prevention, nutrition and physical activity. Information is provided through educational presentations, one-on-one health consultations, healthy cooking demonstrations, community talks, and by participating in health fairs. For more information regarding this program, please visit the Active Aging program webpage or call 402-339-4334. Click her for the days and times of the FOOT CARE CLINICS
During the next five years, over 1 million men and women will leave the military and enter the civilian workforce or institutions of higher learning. The Sarpy/Cass Department of Health and Wellness is working to prepare our counties to better serve our Veterans and their families. Our VetSET program is rallying a team of businesses, elected officials, community leaders, faith-based organizations, non-profits, and government agencies to better assist Veterans and their families as they transition into their jobs, schools and communities. Find out how you, or your business, can participate in giving back to our local Veterans and their families by contacting our Veterans Outreach Coordinator, Rachel Dysico, at, [email protected] or by calling, 402-339-4334 x6976. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter @SarpyCassHealth.

The Health Department's Registered Dietitian assists schools in Sarpy and Cass counties with developing programs that address physical activity, nutritional needs, and other health-related issues.
For more information regarding this program, please phone 402-339-4334 x 204.
Presentations to schools and community groups are available regarding a variety of health and wellness topics, ranging from nutrition, disease prevention, maternal and child health issues, and careers in public health.
Please contact the Health Department to arrange for a presentation.
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Dietetic Association
Nebraska Action for Healthy Kids
Nebraska Breastfeeding Coalition
Sarpy County Resource Guide
Guide to Childproofing your Home
Medical Assistance Guide
Nutrition Assistance Programs
Sarpy/Cass Community Resource Guide
Sarpy/Cass Food Resources